Google Ads – What Is Your Competition Up To? Let’s Find Out.

Study your competition with these 3 advanced techniques.
Boating Industry: Google Ads Audiences

Audience Targeting Gives Boating Companies An Edge in Google Ads
Boating Industry: Google Ads Critique

Watch me review and critique one famous and two lesser known boating advertisers.
Boating Industry Advertising: 3 Must-Do Tactics For Stellar Lead Quality

Improve lead quality with these tested methods for Google Ads.
Google Ads for Boating Businesses: Remarketing. What is it?

Remarketing can be a key part of a successful Google Ads strategy.
Google Ads for Boating Businesses: Location Settings

Location targeting in Google Ads is critical. Be sure to verify these important settings.
Ferry Boat Going All Electric

The Angel Island Ferry will go all electric in 2024 if all goes to plan. The ferry operates between Tiburon, CA and nearby Angel Island in San Francisco Bay. The boat, carrying up to 400 people, will be quite an achievement given the amount of electrical power needed to move such a large vessel. Read […]
Tanker Rescues Sailor Off Puerto Rico

An 80-year-old man was rescued off Puerto Rico last weekend. The sailor lost control of the boat when the steering on his 44-foot sailboat Tao failed. Thankfully no one was hurt.
French Company Uses Kite To Help Propel Shipping To Greener Seas

“Everything old is new again.” — multiple As a lover of sailing, I’m always happy to see news like this. A French company, Airseas, associated with Airbus has used aviation design techniques to construct a “wing” to help large shipping vessels save on fuel. You can read more here. And be sure to watch the […]
Boating: Former Tesla Exec Turns to Electric Boats

Former Tesla exec is building electric boats now!